Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Where the heart is...

We found these outdoor plexiglass letters at
 POP in East Greenwich and I had to have them.
 No one ever has my initials and he had
these two and a C so if your name is Clarice go buy it.

We covered my ugly 3 lamp chandelier with a capiz
 shell wall hanging. It's so much more civilized. 

Everyone or their grandparents had these old bureaus.
 I painted them glossy black and added new hardware
 so it's not elderly anymore. 

So many ways to hang artwork. The grouping has an abstract by Melissa Brown,
 a portrait of Roy the Boy by Jane Puerini,  Silver point drawing by Rick Sousa
 and they all work together.

Found this pine chest in it's natural state and painted a great green.
 It's perfect next to Gary Cooper. 

I love the curves of this Heywood Wakefield dresser.

The fireplace doesn't work so I hung an orange painting
 of fabric by Suzanne Berry as an optical illusion. It works.

My favorite gift ever is the Bullitt car from the movie starring my late first husband.

The two portraits of pets past and present by Steven Sickles
 hang over the vases of different size and color. 

The kitchen has no storage, so I use two antique Chinese chests.

Who can live without books and artwork? Artwork by Shawn Kenney,
 Mark Freedman and Cow by Anita  Brown.

Someone was throwing this painting away and the corner
 of the yard was so dull. It's survived through three winters so far.

Mrs. Brown made a cow.

We made this sculpture from rocks, plumbing pipe
 and copper sheets. The patina is coming along greenly.

Transforming an ugly chandelier into dinner at the beach. 

Found this driftwood on Dutch Island, RI. So many ways to hang artwork.

Let's give Mid-Century modern a hand. Artwork by Mark Freedman.

We made this table/pot-rack at The Steel Yard in Providence, RI.
 The wood is recycled from a neighbor. 

Drama + Comfort = This spot.
 Artwork was salvaged and framed . We love it!

Found this old childhood memory at POP in East Greenwich, RI.

The craft room. Salvation, Creativity and all mine.

I told you it was salvation. This originally was an old storage room.
 Paint, lighting, shelving and passion makes this perfect.

Books! Lots and lots of BOOKS.

Artwork by John Forest 

According to Frank Sinatra ... orange is the happiest color. 

My work station

Thursday, March 15, 2012


My first abstract. The sea was angry that day, my friend, and so a bloody shark fin was born.

I love coffee

We had a super breakfast at Nicks on Broadway in Providence this morning. Fresh, local ingredients, hot coffee, perfectly crisp bacon (Oink! Oink!) and flawless service. (Who's better than Amanda?) A well executed international spin on traditional favorites... Simply the best!


Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Hello and Good day

Hello, and good day. Who are we? We are Patty (Sarah) and Donna, two women frustrated with the world and it's lack of appreciation for both good taste and us. We have decided to show said world that we see beauty in many things. Our dogs, our backyards, our artwork, our food presentation, and all the skeletons in our closets make us see differently. We want you to participate and see the beauty in your animals, your backyards, your artwork and so on and so on and blah blah blah. Our intention with this blog, facebook and an Etsy store is to show you what we like, hope you like it and work together to make everyone's homes more inviting and attractive. The photos we post will be diverse. Some will be photos we've taken ( that as luck would have it, if you like, you may purchase). Some will be observations, things we liked, puppies and kittys, anything we saw that made us stop and take a picture. Both of us have educational and professional bacgrouns, that's French for backgrounds, in artistic endeavors , obviously not in spelling. Here's the serious part, this is us being serious now. Patty's background , oops, back to English, is primarily in food. She loves to eat. Oh, wait, serious. She graduated from a prestigious culinary school with a specialty in pastry arts. She also has a degree in Art Therapy. Her fruit tart is artistic, delicious and theraputic. Donna has a degree in Studio Art with an interest in Art History. We met when we both worked at a picture frame store and  have not stopped talking since. The biographies are short and direct for we think you'll know us better by what we post than by what we say. Neither of us knows what will happen with this, but let's go.

The Boy Roy

This is Roy. Roy is a good dog.