Hello and Good Day. It's time to talk again, but then when isn't it time to talk? We are not going to let sleeping dogs lie when it's time to awaken the giant. That's a reference, but I have no idea from whence it came. Anyone? Anyone?
Ahhemmm, cue throat clear, ahhhhh, cue ideas for this chatter.
These are the boys. The boys reflect us. Elvis, on the right, is sleek and athletic, which Patty would be if she worked out. Roy, on the left, is clumsy with lots of gray hair. Enough said. Moving on, You've seen our houses, now you've met our dogs. In keeping with the theme, we don't want to bite off more than we can chew. We don't want to bite the hand that feeds us. We don't want you to think it's a dog's life. We hate when it rains just cats. I'm not even sure how fond of cats I am, altho on our last visit to antique stores, I pointed out two cat related objet d'art to Pat. She just pointed out there are Dr Seuss possibilities within that sentence.
We will provide more idle chatter sooner than you want.
Until then, short and sweet, just like us (She's short).