Saturday, December 1, 2012

The Questionnaire

What is your favorite word?

What is your least favorite word?

What turns you on?

What turns you off?

What sound or noise do you love?

What sound or noise do you hate?

What is your favorite curse word?

What profession, other than your own would you like to attempt?

What profession would you not like to attempt?

Finally, If heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the pearly gates?

Thursday, October 11, 2012

The Tastemakers: Part One

In our last few blogs we've gone to Graceland and Hitchcockland. The vacation is over and we are ready to get back to work as Tastemakers. Today we begin a series... things that make us happy. Whatever happens in your day, whatever happens in your life, look around, you'll find things that make you happy, too. And now, the first in our series The Happiness of Our Style Inc.

Canine couches.
How can this face not make you happy?

Don't make me choose...the dog or the chaise.

Bodies of water.
A lake view from Mom's deck...

and the sea view from Beavertail point.

Favorite places to read.
The sun room...

and the backyard.

Another favorite place.
 A framed mirror, original artwork and reflective privacy...

can turn a small bathroom into a spa.

Talented friends.
From the sublime...
painting by Nadia Mahfuz

to the ridiculous.
plates by Joanne Delomba

Fancy footwork.
My new moccasins make my dogs jump.

He doesn't need moccasins.

When life tells you to fasten your seat-belts, do...

 but don't let anyone burst your bubble.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Suspicious Minds


Hello and Good Day. This Blog is about style. As much as we would like everyone to have Our Style, today we are talking about someone else's... Elvis. As luck would have it, Our Style's intrepid reporter Patty was able to visit Graceland. What follows is her account. Caution, some photos may not be suitable for all viewers...Stylewise. 

Welcome to Graceland.

Really, we mean it. Welcome to Graceland.

Our Style's intrepid reporter.

Oh My God ... Welcome!

How many people does it take to fill this couch?

Dining under the stars
 and we don't mean Ann-Margret.

A bold wallpaper will brighten any small space.

Waiting for the Kitchen Cousins.

Tufted ceilings?

Natural wood coffee tables are all the rage.

Choose accessories wisely, they can make a room. 

Ash trays are decorative, but please, no smoking.

Bold choices, but the monkey is freaky.

With a nod to Lisa Marie,
Don't forget to consider the children when designing.  

Need to stop for a quick peanut butter banana sandwich. 

Elvis had all the latest technology.

Could Elvis be reaching out?

Displaying awards can make an artistic statement.

Dress for the job you want, not the job you have.

We all begin somewhere.

And sometimes end up in surprising places.

The King.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Ahead of Our Style


              Dear Just Off The Presses Vanity Fair Style Issue,
              We couldn't agree more.
              Sincerely, Our Style Inc.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Vertigo by the Northwest Window

Good Day, Mr. Hitchcock

Hello and Good Day. We love movies. We grew up watching movies. We grew up watching old movies. We grew up watching Alfred Hitchcock movies. Hitchcock's movies were full of style. The clothes, the sets, and the details all influenced us. (Who knew what a Mark Cross overnight case was until Rear Window?) We agreed that Rear Window, North by Northwest and Vertigo entertained us visually. And Oh, what a lucky break, they are all in Big Bold Bright Color. (Don't panic, we'll do one on black and white, too!) Whew! Enjoy the show.

 Rear Window
The ultimate.

God, Donna loves this coat!

North by Northwest
Great red dress, a martini and Cary Grant. Sigh...

Cashmere sweater and an artists' studio apartment
 in San  Francisco.
 P.S. Donna use to have those glasses

Little details, big impact.

North by Northwest
Is there anything more stylish than initialed matchbooks?

Rear Window
YES! A Mark Cross overnight case!

North by Northwest
Who wouldn't want a furry chair?

The studio every artist wants. (the studio and that coat)

The entire set of Rear Window is fabulous but only looking out the rear window. Unless we can redecorate, Jimmy Stewart's apartment is not so much. As a result we offer this video to show the courtyard and the musician's apartment. Then we come around to Grace Kelly. She is at her most fashionable wearing loafers, rolled up jeans and a red shirt. She is one of those women that will always look Crisp (Patty is another, always Crisp). She is Our Style. 

Warning, this is the end of the movie! If you haven't seen it, shame on you and don't watch this clip. Go watch the movie. Thanks ever so. Good evening, Mr. Hitchcock.