Sunday, September 29, 2013

A Weekend in New Hampshire

Hello and Good Day. We're in New Hampshire. New Hampshire offers many, many activities. 
We share with you now, our NH weekend.

Saturday. Noon.

We made a new friend.

Enjoyed local cuisine.

Discovered the New Hampshire eco-system.

Saturday. Afternoon.

Tested New Hampshire waters.

 "I'm exhausted. So many activities."

Saturday. Evening.

Sunday morning. The leaves are turning.

"I'm exhausted. When are they leaving?"

Sunday. Brunch.

Thank you, New Hampshire. Thank you, Mom. We're exhausted. Thank you and Good Day.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Sitting Around and Standing Up with Bette Davis and Doris Day

Bette Davis and Doris Day had birthdays this month. Although they seem quite different, both have influenced our lives. We thought it would be fun to see how these women are perceived through their style.

When going out to dine, it's best to have a fashionable coat,
 be it faux fur

or pink taffeta.

As career women hats were de rigueur 

and gloves added the je ne sais quoi.

Nothing says causal like a black shirt  

and rattan.

Wrap dresses are still in fashion

as are pleated palazzos..

When lounging with a cocktail in Autumn keep your
fashion simple, 

in Summer, keep it cool.

Bette works best with a cigarette,

and Doris with Cary Grant.

An evening dress can be soft and subtle...

or not.

Classic and pretty

are perfect for stepping out.

In the end it's still about perception. To some Bette will only be
the powerful diva

and Doris the girl next door.
To us, they are so much more. 

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Celebrating Furniture

Happy Birthday John Singer Sargent

Today, January 12th is John Singer Sargent's birthday. If John Singer Sargent were alive today, we would ask him to paint our portrait. We would ask again and again. We would, to some, hound. We would not hound in an Elvis Presley way. We would not hound in our dogs way. We would hound in a way that it is easier to say yes than to listen to us. In honor of John Singer Sargent's birthday, we celebrate what furniture brings to a portrait. 

A well made table can give a portrait
the X factor.

You can Wade through many draperies
 before finding the perfect pair.

There is no need to Hamihedon
 beautiful embroidery.

Your mind will Spiro when seeing a beautiful chair.

You'll Cara about the environment
 when selecting a good Burch. 

We've always itched for a red chaise.

Sitting in wicker is like being on an island with treasure.

These red lights illuminate this dining district.

We got nothing! Black is slimming.

Hugh know, neutrals Hammersly's
 other colors to pop.

Any home with a bar Sitwell's with us.

Vase facts, sisters don't urn love, they just do.
Thanks, Johnny.