Saturday, April 21, 2012

Walls Near Us, Living With Art

Featuring Doris Day

As we promised in our previous post, we'd like to show you how we live with art. There are two of us, as a result there are two different houses.When we see photos of said houses, we are both amazed at how similar they are, even though we are totally different (as said in an earlier Blog, she's short). In this Blog we'd like to show you how similar they are with a photo from each using the same theme. Ok. Ready. Go.
P.S. This tabbouleh is delicious!

Both of us use doors for more than opening.

Art in unexpected places.
Leaves painting near the ceiling by Suzanne Berry
Under the Sea in the stairwell by Patty LittleGood

Brighten a dark corner with a gallery light.
Or with a Fiery Red Head
Painting by John Forrest

Use shelves to showcase art.
Artwork by Shawn Kenney, Anita Brown, and Patty.
 Dog pin from The Doris Day Animal Foundation
Mid- Century pool party by Claire V. Dorst

Give the dog something to look at.
Abstract by Steven Sickles
Painting by Irving Haynes
Crate by Petco

Nudes aren't just for bedrooms.
Drawing of "Sara" by Tracey Padron 
Steven Sickles nude in the dining room. Oh My!

With a nod to the husband. He lives here too.
Better than a husband. He lives here too.

One thing leads to another.
Painting by David Witbeck
Leather Couch by Steven Light
and another
and another.
P.S. I am Doris Day

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Coming Soon To A Wall Near You. Living with, buying, selling and loving art

BIG Art, small house
Large pieces can live in small houses.
Painting on door by Mark Freedman

No really...Large pieces can live in small houses
Gorilla by John Seerey-Lester

Colors, sizes, subject matter, they don't have to be the same.
Rocks by Nathan Howe
Lady by George Wilcox
Portrait of  Roy by Jane Puerini
Couch by Steven Light
Roy by Nature

Fabric Charcoal drawing by Nadia Mahfuz 
Waking up to a scarf by Bob Mackie and my first purchase from
Tracey Padron, "Gerry's Back"

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Let Sleeping Dogs Lie

Hello and Good Day. It's time to talk again, but then when isn't it time to talk? We are not going to let sleeping dogs lie when it's time to awaken the giant. That's a reference, but I have no idea from whence it came. Anyone? Anyone?
Ahhemmm, cue throat clear, ahhhhh, cue ideas for this chatter.
These are the boys. The boys reflect us. Elvis, on the right, is sleek and athletic, which Patty would be if she worked out. Roy, on the left, is clumsy with lots of gray hair. Enough said. Moving on, You've seen our houses, now you've met our dogs. In keeping with the theme, we don't want to bite off more than we can chew. We don't want to bite the hand that feeds us. We don't want you to think it's a dog's life. We hate when it rains just cats. I'm not even sure how fond of cats I am, altho on our last visit to antique stores, I pointed out two cat related objet d'art to Pat. She just pointed out there are Dr Seuss possibilities within that sentence.
We will provide more idle chatter sooner than you want.
Until then, short and sweet, just like us (She's short).

Monday, April 2, 2012


The Hills Are Alive With The Sound Of Color

We'd like you to meet Edna.

If you are going to dream, dream in color.

Glass ferns at the MFA 

Cosmic bowling

My Darling

We tried to think of a song about pomegranates and persimmons.
We failed, but what a colorful photo.

Don't tread on my heart, on the grass, on the green green grass.

A Drag Queen's Dream

The gourd of Boston

Red, white and gray a classic trio.
Gradations of yellow

A sixties combo, red, orange and purple

How many shades of green in an avocado?
No, really, we want to know.

Eames and Mondrian, who could ask for more.

I won't be blue to see this swing-set disappear.

It was our original title, but we couldn't see our appetite

All photographs taken by Patty LittleGood aka Sarah Gaunt